2020年7月18日 星期六

[閱讀] 星巴克的創新中心(Tryer Center)

  某日,逛著星巴克官網時,突然發現了「第四空間」這個詞,因此找到了這篇文章:星巴克的創新逆襲!神秘「第四空間」如何讓老牌企業長年不敗?(2019/08/16 Meet, By 36氪 / 創新諮詢)

  文章中提到星巴克的創新中心(Tryer Center),也因此開啟了我的好奇心,以下節錄有意思之處:


1.“Scale and complexity can be the enemy of speed. We realized two years ago we had to change the way we work in order to be more agile.”

2.“It was fail soup,” he said. “Every company says fail fast, but how do you do that? That’s what we do here now. We have created a safe place to fail and for ideas to evolve and collide. Things like that give us the confidence that we can make any idea real and try it in stores.”

3.including the Cloud Macchiato, Sous Vide Egg Bites, Mango Dragonfruit Refreshers, the Chestnut Praline Latte, Bistro Boxes and 2017’s legendary Unicorn Frappuccino, the most viral drink in company history.
文中還提到了創新中心成功創造了具感染力的飲料(viral drink),viral在Cambridge online dictionary的解釋

1.entourage (隨行人員或隨從,陪重要人物或名人一起旅行或為其工作的人們)

2.ethos (價值觀、精神)
原文用在提到賣湯的嘗試失敗時: “But that soup is the ethos of a changing Starbucks.”

3.scrappy (零散的、不連貫的)
原文使用“Scrappy unicorns”以及“His team has always been non-linear and scrappy.”

4.thaw (解凍)

5.mundane (單調的、平凡的)
文中提到在Tryer做的事情很有趣,不會感到是日復一日或是單調的“not feel like what you’re working on is mundane or day-to-day”

6.a Tesla coil powering ideation and curiosity
這邊的Tasla coil看來是指特斯拉線圈:“Located on the ground floor of the company’s Seattle headquarters, Tryer has become a hub – a Tesla coil powering ideation and curiosity.”

7.wears a different kind of watch
原文用法:“......Johnson wears a different kind of watch. At Starbucks, he wants innovation to be measured not in years or months, but days.”



