2011年5月3日 星期二

Deal with Stress from Work

  • 人們會將工作上發生的不愉快看得很重是有道理的,因為我們一天中花絕大部分時間在工作,而且那是我們賴以維生的來源。
  • 如果你早上9點跟經理在經理室裡吵架,在當下感到不爽是合理的,因為那是你當下在那個空間那個時間點的感受;但是你不應該在接下來的幾個小時、一天甚至數天都不停的回想感受那個不愉快的感覺。PS. 有人甚至在五年之後都還記得那次跟主管的爭執
  • 該如何跳脫這個心境?剛開始做時,對自己誠實,面對及承認自己的不愉快,但是不要一直陷在裡面。接上述,當我們早上9點跟經理吵架,我們在之後的整天中,無論是喝咖啡、和同事聊天及工作等等等,都不停的想到早上的不愉快,甚至帶回家裡影響到夜間的睡眠,更甚者它成為隔天早上第一件想到的事,這樣的心理狀態當然會影響到生理狀態。
  • 試著跳脫那個情境,了解到在當下唯一發生的事情就是你當下在做的事,比如說你正在喝咖啡、你正在和同事聊天及你正在做現在的工作,如果你在任何時刻都不斷的回想早上的爭執,那你給了你經理完全的權力去掌控、影響你的情緒。
  • 關鍵點是取得自己情緒的掌控權,除了你之外沒有人可以影響你的情緒,不要管你老闆講過什麼,你老闆現在早就不在這個房間不在你身邊了。
更多BBC Business Daily:http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p002vsxs

2011年1月4日 星期二

110104 IO Band(IO樂團)

I heard their songs from broadcasting. And what impressed me most was that they graduated from famous colleges in Vancouver, Canada, and all had steady jobs and prosperous future. However, they decided to quit their jobs and pursuit their dream which is to form a band and create their own music. As a result, they came back to Taiwan which is their roots and brought their music here. From the video below, we can see that they really enjoy their music while they were playing. They looked so devoted and were totally immersed in the music. This touches me very much. We can feel the passion they bring to us.

Here is their unplugged performance. We can also see the passion when they were playing. What's more, they acted in great coordination(協調). Starting from 0:45 of the video, we can see that the vocal and the guitar performed the same actions at the same time with the rhythm of the drum. This is awesome!! The harmony of the music and their actions make me want to dance with them. I can't help but use my foot to beat time(打拍子) with them.