2012年11月28日 星期三

A History of the World in 100 Objects: Episode 34 - Chinese Han lacquer cup

In our less confident times, a new ruler could find lots of literature on just this subject, and one best-seller has become so famous that its title has entered the language: 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' has sold over 15 million copies, telling us all how to do exactly what it says on the cover. But, strangely, nowhere in that book does it mention one very obvious strategy that the power-brokers in Imperial China of two thousand years ago knew very well, and practised brilliantly: don't just 'say' encouraging things; 'give' your target a hugely extravagant present.

...The Chinese still know that the best gifts are always the ones that only the giver can command. In the time of the Han Dynasty, that was silk and lacquer cups. Today, when China wants to establish friendly relations, it still gives the present that nobody else can match - it's known as Panda Diplomacy.

Source: BBC A History of the World in 100 Objects